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You can choose any of our services; Designing Services HVAC & Layout, Modular Partitions, Doors, Surgical Scrub, Nursing Station etc.,

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Frequently Asked Questions

We offer complete solution for Operating Rooms!

Design of sterile HVAC systems & Hospital’s critical area’s layout plan
Modular partition systems
Operating room doors
Surgical scrub
Nursing stations
CSSD etc.,

Do you sell products only?

Yes, we do. Apart from turnkey solution, we do sell our products separately.

Do you offer turnkey solutions?

Yes, we do. From Design, Manufacture, Development and On-site Installation.

How do you offer after sale services?

Our products are designed in such a way that requires almost no maintenance. We have partners in different countries for installation and on-site services. During installation we also train end-user’s technical team so that they can solve issues by themselves.

Do you offer designing services only?

Yes, we do. Our professional designing team can offer flow plan as per your civil structure lay out and you can integrate products of different manufacturers. Our designing services include flow plan, sterile HVAC system for Operating room and ICU & CSSD area, electricals, telecomunication, monitoring and broadcasting and BMS etc.,

We are a one-stop shop!